Sunday, February 23, 2020

Rhetorical Analysis Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Rhetorical Analysis Paper - Essay Example So many Pidgin pessimists," gives a lot of promise. And he's not stopping, now or in the foreseeable future. "Can you come up wit one more positive way of looking at dis piece o'wot Try tink. Right on. Ho, you get 'em. Das how. We get ONE Pidgin optimist in da house" is as convincing as the essay itself those who will oppose the guy will have a difficult time. "In da real world get planny Pidgin prejudice, ah. Dey, da ubiquitous dey, dey is everywea brah; dey say dat da perception is dat da standard english talker is going automatically be perceive fo' be mo' intelligent than da Pidgin talker regardless wot dey talking, jus from HOW dey talking," he complains as he spars biases. And one imagines a Huck, with slumped shoulders and head cast downward trying to avoid people at daylight, processing his thoughts in his own world dominated only by an African American slave Jim, and at times, by the more acceptable and lovable Tom Sawyer. It's kine lonely, if one sees through it, so much like the cause Pidgin Guerilla Tonouchi is fighting for. Biases ran amuck in a global culture of majority rules as Tonouchi might strongly be shaking his head as he asserts that, "but I no need really look da studies, cuz I can see dis happening insai my classrooms" "Oh Frazier, you're so smart. ... He recalled the experience of his Oriental parents in the 50s to 60s, "If dey talked Pidgin in school den da teachah would slap 'em wit da ruler. Ka-pow. Ow, ow, ow" up to his generation, "You gotta enunciate and tell, "May I please use the restroom" And if you no tell 'em li'dat, den you gotta hold your shishi, brah." He is standing up. "If I knew den wot I know now, HO, I would've SUED da DOE for da kine cruel and unusual punishment. Million dollah settlement right dea," and he depreciates in kine funny, if not yet hilarious manner. He's shaking his head, "wuz equating talking Pidgin to smoking cigarettes cuz he gotta "cut back." If he talk too much Pidgin, den he going get Pidgin cancer and he going DIE, brah. Pua ting. Sad yeah, da tinking" but he's not giving up, nor going away and turn from his cause. In fact, he is facing the challenge head on as he asked his class, "Try tell me all da tings dat people told you ova da years dat you CANNOT do wit Pidgin." And dis wot dey came up wit: Dey Say if You Talk Pidgin You No Can . . . be smart be important be successful be professional be taken seriously be one teacher be one doctor be one lawyer be a government worker be big businessman be da Pope be the president be the wife of the president Dey say if you talk Pidgin you no can . . . communicate eat at fine dining restaurants enter a beauty pageant (and win)" and the list is endless, but he is not stopping. And he is proving the Pidgin detractors wrong. "but I tink so people jus find 'em funny cuz dey know lot of da tings on da list is not true. Bogus li'dat. Why Cuz dey know Pidgin people who eat at fancy restaurants, cuz dey know Pidgin

Friday, February 7, 2020

The definition of culture in different and distinctive ways Essay

The definition of culture in different and distinctive ways - Essay Example To a great extent, culture defines the manner in which people behave and react to different and emerging issues in the society. Cultural behaviours varies from one individual and community to another depending on the existing rules and regulations as well as the manner in which community members value their beliefs. Cultural believes are as well the main parameter that is used to define gender roles and responsibilities. Despite being influenced by the existing rules and regulation in a society, culture content is also defined and determined by geographical background, main occupation in the society, social practices, religious believes, the manner in which a society socialises its children as well as the size and the demographic shape of a society (Hofstede, Neuijen, Ohayv & Sanders, 2011, p. 287). Dimensionalizing Cultures The manner in which some of the basic concepts that defines culture is described in Dimensionalizing Cultures aspects have demonstration the actual and real stat e of affairs in modern society. After studying the concept Dimensionalizing Cultures in classroom setting, I concur with the founders of the concept that, culture is the main pillars in social existence. Both conventional and modern societies are to a great extent shaped and defined by the existing cultural believes and values. Although other emerging factors such as civilisation and technological development have significantly transformed modern culture, traditional believes and practices have a considerable role in defining the manner in which people in modern society behave in political, social, and economic context. Scholars who participated in designing and defining Dimensionalizing Cultures as well ought to be recommended and acknowledged for effectively linking this concept with modern development and transformation. According to founders of the concept, Dimensionalizing Cultures, cultural believes and practices are consistently affected by emerging social and economic develo pment. Moreover, based on the available statistics, there are considerable behavioural differences between people who live in economically developed society and those who live in less developed society. For instance, in conventional social settings, women were restricted from engaging in any economic and social activities. They were supposed to stay at home and perform domestic activities and chores. However, modern civilization has significantly transformed the way in which women are valued and treated in the society. Women in modern society are actively involved in modern economic development. In addition, women in a good number of modern societies have assumed leadership and management position in the society. This therefore means that,