Friday, December 27, 2019

Eating Disorders A Health Problem - 1834 Words

Eating disorders can be one of the most difficult types of conditions to overcome. They are the names given to problems relating to a person’s eating style. Eating disorders aren t just about how a certain person eats. They are a sign of unhappiness. They are about how people think and feel about themselves, their bodies, and the food that they eat. They are serious health problems. We all live in a world where image is a very important factor in life. It urges people (especially women) to improve their appearances. Eating disorders are not a diet or an experiment to lose weight. It is a serious health problem that can take several years to recover from. They are disorders that are some of the most difficult illnesses to understand and diagnose. Two million people in the world suffer from eating disorders whether it s anorexia or bulimia . Two thirds of teenage girls and one third of teenage boys do not like their bodies and the weights they are at. Eating disorders are sweep ing the country and are often referred to as the â€Å"Deadly Diet.† This health problem can begin anywhere from the ages of ten to thirty. The peak age for the beginning of this disorder in females is eleven to fifteen. The obsession of many young girls over their appearance or weight has led to a good amount of people who have developed an eating disorder to try to deal with their lack of self-esteem or other related problems. Eating disorders are serious emotional and physical problems that can haveShow MoreRelatedEating Disorders Are A Serious Health Problem1468 Words   |  6 PagesOften, the desire to become thin becomes an obsession. People’s obsession over their appearance has led to a growing number of eating disorders. Eating disorders are a serious health problem. Personal Counseling Resources says that eating disorders â€Å"are characterized by a focus on body shape, weight, fat, food, and perfectionism and by feelings of powerlessness and low self-est eem.† Additionally, the media imparts a great deal of thinness on television, the Internet, and magazines that are viewedRead MoreEating Disorders Are A Grave Health Problem1614 Words   |  7 PagesAbstract Eating disorders develop typically during adolescence. Triggers include a distorted view of an ideal body image, abuse, and the need to control a particular part of life. The eating disorders discussed include anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, and binge-eating disorder (BED). These eating disorders lead to severe physical and mental health problems that may require a medical intervention. â€Æ' Eating Disorders Often, the desire to lose weight or to become thin especially in women becomesRead MoreEating Disorders Are A Serious Health Problem Essay2138 Words   |  9 PagesEating disorders are a very serious health problem. People with eating disorders are addicted to food, just like the people who are addicted to drugs and medications. People with eating disorders us food to numb the pain. â€Å"They are dangerous illnesses that cause mental and physical suffering and may have long life consequences.†(Allman 2010 page 6) People with eating disorders cannot use food as a source of energy or nutrition. Their ability to connect hunger and fullness with the meals is disruptedRead MoreEating Disorders And Eating Disorder1573 Words   |  7 Pagesaffects people called an â€Å"eating disorder.† Why did you choose this topic? I chose this topic because it is a very prevalent issue in our society today, and a close friend of mine is suffering from an eating disorder. What question(s) did you want to answer or what was your hypothesis regarding this topic? As mammals, there is no chance of escaping the need to consume food in everyday life. However, when it comes to food there can be a major concern of eating too much or eating too little. Doing eitherRead MoreThe Causes Of Eating Disorders In College Women1444 Words   |  6 PagesEating Disorders in College Women Bingeing. Purging. Calorie counting. Excessive exercising. These are actions that are most commonly associated with eating disorders, which are psychological conditions affecting an individual’s eating habits. Though these conditions can appear in any age or gender group, they tend to be most prevalent in adolescent women. A large population of these young women happen to be college students dealing with problems such as body image issues, food insecurity, andRead MoreEating Disorders And Body Image1613 Words   |  7 Pages Eating disorders and body image Cenia Xu Father Michael Mcgivney Catholic Academy Effects of Eating disorders have on teenagers Every day, teenagers are surrounded by different messages from different sources that impact the way they feel about the way they look. For some, poor body image is a sign of a serious problem: an eating disorder. Eating disorders are not just about food.The eating disorders containRead MoreBinge Eating Disorder Essay examples939 Words   |  4 PagesIntroduction According to the Merriam-Webster online dictionary, binge eating is defined as uncontrolled compulsive eating, especially as a symptom of bulimia or binge eating disorder(BED). Individuals, who suffer from a (BED), usually, consume, abnormally large amounts of food, quickly. The condition causes sufferers to eat until they are painfully full. we live in a society that accepts encourages overindulging . Therefore, there are probably several occasions on which we eat more than we shouldRead MoreEating Disorders : Eating, Bulimia, And Anorexia1215 Words   |  5 Pagesof eating disorders such as binge-eating, bulimia, and anorexia. All three eating disorders are very similar, but they are also differ with the issue they cause. Eating disorders can be harmful to a persons’ body because when they keep vomiting, it causes certain parts of the body to deteriorate over time. Each disorder has many symptoms, causes, warning signs, and health problems. All disorders differ with the way they affect people and how the person is treated. Binge-eating disorder consistsRead MoreThe Effects Of Eating Disorders On Health872 Words   |  4 PagesHealth can be expressed in many different ways: physical health is easily identified by an individual’s ability to perform tasks with agility, endurance or speed. There are ways to enhance these factors through exercise and healthy eating as well as regular health screenings. However, there is another facet of human health that is less easily identified: mental health. Mental health impacts everyone in varying ways and in varying degrees. Sometimes the symptoms are easily identified, such as withRead MoreEating Disorders Essay698 Words   |  3 Pagesbegun and an eating disorder is formed. Effects The altered eating and exercise patterns of those with eating disorders can seriously damage physical and emotional health. The ANAB (n.d.) contends activities associated with eating disorders place one in medical danger. Strenuous over-exercising is often seen in those with eating disorders even though they may be quite ill. The body of an eating disorder sufferer frequently has electrolyte imbalances and gastrointestinal problems. The vomiting

Thursday, December 19, 2019

The Cold War The Iron Curtain Essay - 780 Words

The â€Å"Cold War† was a unique time period were paranoia ran high and the world was at a stalemate as it watch the competition between the two world superpowers,(U.S. and the U.S.S.R.). In the United States the main concern of the government was maintain the loyalty of their citizens. This was made even more evident by the second red scare that happened post WWII. The reason behind this scare was that information was leaked that there was espionage going on in the US and this caused Americans to fear that this will eventually lead to the overthrow of the government. Another fear was the rapid spread of communism into countries in Eastern Europe and Asia. As concern of the public grew in regards to the spread of communism the government†¦show more content†¦The Marshall did fail in regard to China the reason the communist took over in 1949,( this increase population of communist by 500 million people). The reason why it failed was because the money was given out without any planning and there was corruption within the Chinese government of that time. A proxy war is essentially when two sides are fighting each other, but with the help of two unseen powers or nations that pull the strings. For example in the Korean War the US back up the South Korea and the USSR back up North Korea by supplying money and weapons, and the creation of the CIA in 1947 to collect intelligence. When the United Nations was form it is fundamentally a start over of the League of Nation. The motive behind the formation of the League of Nations was to band countries together to effectively deal with international crises or threats. The US also implements the NATO which is a collection of countries band together to resist the influence of communism. In relation the Soviet Union form the WARSAW PACT which is basically identical to NATO purpose. So the two articles â€Å"NSC-68† and â€Å"Who is Loyal to America† reflect the thinking of society and how America was shaped and molded because of this unique time period. The essential element of the free society is to respect the individual as well as the whole. The arms and space demonstrates the fierceSh ow MoreRelatedThe Cold War1120 Words   |  4 Pages Cold War In 1945 after WWII the United States and the Soviet Union became divided as far as how they felt Europe should be divided. This began the period of conflict called the Cold War. The Cold War was â€Å"a state of political hostility between countries characterized by threats, propaganda, and other measures short of open warfare†( USSR believed in communism, where the US believed in democracy. The US was between two potentially hostile nations, the US designed a BufferRead MoreThe Truman Doctrine and Iron Curtain Speech802 Words   |  3 PagesThe Truman Doctrine and Iron Curtain Speech After World War II, the USSR and United States engaged in an unprecedented conflict called the Cold War. Despite the armaments being produced, this war was not directly fought with thousands of soldiers or massive weapons. An enormous rise in tensions created a competition between the two countries for diplomatic, economic, cultural, and military dominance. Of course, nothing was official until President Harry Truman and Winston Churchill worked togetherRead MoreWhy Stalin Built The Iron Curtain Essays667 Words   |  3 PagesWhy Stalin Built The Iron Curtain The Iron Curtain was the term used in the West to refer to the boundary line, which divided Europe into to separate areas of political influence. This was set up from the end of World War Two until the end of the Cold War. During this period, Eastern Europe was under control and influence of the Soviet Union (USSR,) where as Western Europe enjoyed freedom. It was a border set up by Joseph Stalin, the ruler of the USSR in the years afterRead MoreCauses And Effects Of The Cold War1370 Words   |  6 PagesEffects of the Cold War Richard Nixon once said of the Cold War that â€Å"the Cold War isn t thawing; it is burning with a deadly heat. Communism isn t sleeping; it is, as always, plotting, scheming, working, fighting.†( An analysis of the Cold War between 1947-1991 reveals that the Cold War was caused by a difference in political ideals between the USA and the Soviet Union, the aftermath of WWII, and the â€Å"Iron Curtain† in Europe. Further analysis reveals the Cold War contributedRead More Why the Cold War developed by 1949 Essay865 Words   |  4 PagesBy 1949, the Cold War had developed in many ways since 1945. The most significant factor to the development of the Cold War since the end of World War II, was the building of the Iron Curtain in 1946 which divided the communists countries of Eastern Europe from the non-communist countries of the West and considerably contributed to the hostilities between the West and the USSR. Other reasons why Cold War had developed by was because of the different ideology to begin with, the Marshall Plan and TrumanRead MoreThe Cold War : A Battle Between Capitalism And Communism1435 Words   |  6 PagesThe Cold War: A Battle Between Capitalism and Communism The Cold War began not very long after the end of World War II in 1945. Despite the fact that, the Soviet Union was an essential part of the Allied Powers, there was certainly a great amount of distrust between the Soviet Union and what remains of the Allies, specifically the United States. The Allies were worried about Stalin s ruthless leadership and also the spread of communism. The Cold War was a long stretch of tension between the US andRead MoreWorld War I was supposed to be the war to end all wars. In a matter of just twenty-one years war1100 Words   |  5 PagesWorld War I was supposed to be the war to end all wars. In a matter of just twenty-one years war broke out again, except this time on a much larger scale. The war was to be called World War II, and took place in Europe, Asia, North America, Africa, and Australia. The results of the war affected almost all the countries of the world. After seeing all the terrors of World War II the countries of the globe banded togeth er to form the United Nations. The United Nations, like the League of Nations, wasRead More Dr. Seuss The Butter Battle Book and the Cold War Essay705 Words   |  3 PagesDr. Seuss The Butter Battle Book and the Cold War Dr. Seuss is an important figure in the lives of children everywhere. His stories are children’s classics that are fun to read and also tackle some real life issues. Dr. Seuss’s political views are very apparent in his some of his books like The Butter Battle Book, which discusses the issues of the Cold War. In The Butter Battle Book, two groups, the Zooks and the Yooks, are at odds with the way they butter their bread. One group, the ZooksRead MoreEssay about The Origins of the Cold War679 Words   |  3 PagesThe Origins of the Cold War The Cold War was a state of extreme hostility and confrontation but without direct militant action between the two world powers, the USSR and the USA. The USSR and the USA were originally wartime Allies during the Second World War; however a string of events and issues caused a built up of suspicion and distrust which finally escalated to what was known as the Cold War. The start of Cold War can be simply defined as the period of time wherebyRead MoreCulture Behind the Curtain1317 Words   |  6 PagesDuring the Second World War, the United States and the Soviet Union were allies, and Premier Joseph Stalin unlocked Soviet borders to an influx of American film, music, print resources, and tourists. This American culture, especially the scores of Jazz records and recordings, grew incredibly popular. Jazz orchestras sprung up across Moscow and the Soviet bloc, and these groups longed for the opportunity to play American scores in their own styles. Music became a common vehicle conveying the culture

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Celestial Mechanics and Orbital Period free essay sample

AE-641 Problems Set No. 1 1. The orbital period of an Earth satellite is 106 min. Find the apogee altitude if the perigee altitude is 200 km. 2. Find the orbital period of a satellite if the perigee and apogee altitudes are 250 km and 300 km, respectively. 3. Find the maximum and minimum orbital speed of the Earth if the eccentricity of the Earth’s orbit around Sun is 1/60. What is the mean speed if the mean radius is 1 AU? (Sun’s Gm1=1. 32710 11 km3/s 2. ) 4. Given the orbital period of Mars around Sun as 687 Earth mean solar days, find the semi-major axis of Mars orbit in AU. 5. Estimate solar gravitational constant using Kepler’s third law. 6. A spacecraft in a 200 km high circular Earth orbit fires its retro-rocket, reducing speed instantly by 600 m/s. What is the speed of the spacecraft when it reaches an altitude of 100 km? (Assume zero atmospheric drag. ) 7. What is the parabolic escape velocity from a geosynchronous orbit? What extra speed will be required for a geosynchronous satellite to escape Earth’s gravity? 8. We will write a custom essay sample on Celestial Mechanics and Orbital Period or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page A hyperbolic Earth departure trajectory has a perigee speed of 15 km/s at an altitude 300 km. Calculate (a) hyperbolic excess speed, (b) radius and speed when true anomaly is 100o. 9. Voyager-I’s closest approach to Saturn was at a periapsis radius of 124000 km and the hyperbolic excess speed was 7. 51 km/s. What was the angle through which the spacecraft’s velocity vector was turned by Saturn? (Saturn’s m = 37. 93110 6 km3/s2. ) 10. Derive expressions for the position and velocity vectors of a spacecraft in a coordinate system fixed to the orbital plane such that the unit vectors of the axes are along the eccentricity vector, e, the direction of parameter, p, and the angular momentum vector, h. Express the answers in terms of semi-major axis, a, eccentricity, e, and true anomaly, q. 11. Halley’s comet last passed perihelion on February 9, 1986. Its orbit has a semi-major axis, a=17. 9564 AU and eccentricity, e=0. 967298. Predict the date of next return (perihelion) of the comet.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Information systems management at IBM and Dell

Introduction The management of information systems in any organization is indeed an inevitable that cannot be ignored by an organization bearing in mind that the modern business world largely relies on the optimal flow of information as part and parcel of improving production.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Information systems management at IBM and Dell specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More It is also worth noting that information plays a key role right from the point of production up to the level of final consumption. While some organizations might find it unnecessary to establish and subsequently manage their information platforms, it goes without saying that such organizations indeed miss out on vast opportunities through which they can expand their operations on a day-to-day basis. A case study of Dell Inc. and IBM Inc. in terms of information management is indeed typical of dissecting the relevance of thorough m anagement of information systems in organizations. This paper examines Dell Inc. and IBM’s management of information systems to determine how it aids the two companies in managing internal operations, making decisions and gaining a competitive edge. A brief background of IBM and Dell Inc. IBM has developed into a formidable company that employs information system in conducting both internal and external business operations for many years. Studies reveal that IBM’s historical development began can be traced back to a time when the use of technology in business had not been fully realized. Research indicates that the company was began and set out to operate as a as a Tabulating Machine Company. Under the leadership of Hollerith Herman towards the close of 19th century (1896), studies reveal that the company’s line of specialisation and products was in the development of punched card data machines. Its products were widely sold and bought in both local and global m arkets, a consideration that was driven by massive marketing campaigns and better business strategies. It is imperative to point out that the demand for tabulating machines and application of new technology to make quality and efficient products grew by leaps and bounds thereafter. The 1896 punched cards gave the impetus for the generation of machines which would later be referred to as IBM. However, in 1911, the business exchanged hands when Charles Flint bought it at slightly over two million dollars. This enabled the original founder of the company to develop Computing Tabulating Recording Corporation (CRT) which was later incorporated on 16th June 1911.Advertising Looking for essay on it? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More On the other hand, the multinational American computer technology corporation (Dell Inc) was formed back in 1984 and has over the years developed and grown in its application of technology to develop suppor t and sell quality computer products and computer related services. Its leadership and management team have ensured effective application of information systems, a consideration that has seen the company attain a competitive edge over others and emerge as o0ne of the largest technological corporations in the world today. Some of its products that have dominated the market include software, data storage devices, servers, computers, network switches, printers, cameras and HDTVs. Over the years; IBM and Dell have been able to manage effectively their operations and information systems through mergers. According to recent studies, the need and articulation of mergers in Dell and IBM is based on their holistic need to formulate a common unit which guides their operations mainly through assimilation of common objectives. The management both companies as noted by Rao (2010), sought to establish a highly integrated system where key players were represented in the management. Particularly, t hese companies formed the major baseline and therefore determined the model that would be followed in running the widely spread system. Besides, the structure was further expanded to smaller holding companies which were equally affiliated to the different mother countries. Comparison of Dell and IBM’s use of information systems in management At a time when the business trends are increasingly becoming reliant on the global market dynamism which is driven by an ever-changing consumerism patterns, effective management of information systems remains the most critical aspect that can guarantee a business’ success. Studies indicate that the emergence of the computer system and its subsequent adoption in mainstream business circle is one of the key developments in business. It is worth noting that the systems that have been developed to aid organizations in meeting their information needs and approaches to development of strategies in the current business environment have d eveloped due to availability of information (Rao, 2010). Information systems are therefore a critical factor in the current business environment whose role in ensuring that the needs of the society are accurately addressed makes it vital to operational success. Effective management of Information systems has taken a fundamental position in modern business operations. As a matter of fact, it has led to the simplification of tasks and speeding up of business transactions thus leading to sustainable profitability.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Information systems management at IBM and Dell specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Both Dell and IBM have form many decades used their information systems to mange their internal operations and make key decisions that impact positively on their success. Studies reveal that one of their objectives in managing their information systems is assure their investments in IT to genera te business value (IBM 100, 2012). This has ensured that their information systems provide the required services throughout its life span thus meeting the needs of all users, particularly the critical ones. For instance, Dell has invested huge finances in IT system expecting to reap the benefits associated with it (Dell, 2012). It is worth noting that effective management of its information systems has continued to provide it with numerous operational benefits. Studies indicate that success of adopting and using an information system in organizations is dependent on a system selection process. The system Dell has selected has been designed in a way that ensures that the organizational objectives are timely met and the system adopted has a long lifespan. Developments in both computing and internet technologies have mainly been aimed at ensuring greater operational stability, improving the speed of the transactions and ensuring security. Most new technologies apart from adding to func tionalities are generally aimed at ensuring greater speeds and dealing with security threats that are faced by previous architecture. Many are aware of the application of e-commerce systems though few are aware of its internal systems and fewer have mastered the art of efficiency in implementation of e-commerce systems (IBM 100, 2012). The management of information systems at Dell and IBM in internal operations and decision making have been designed in such a way that they seek to generate value within the businesses. The use of information systems in decision making has led to its being cited as a strategy which can be implemented in three distinct stages; production, processing and reception that are interdependent on each other. Their communication strategies, appraisal and even promotional strategies have been effectively carried out with the aid of information systems (MBA Knowledge Base, 2012). There is no doubt that the role played by information systems in theses companies i n generating value and as a platform for implementing organisational operations cannot be ignored.Advertising Looking for essay on it? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The managements at Dell and IBM have ensured that procedures, policies and even standards have been developed with the sole aim of developing a clear approach employed by manufacturers in developing their systems which has played an important role in ensuring the development of more robust systems (IBM 100, 2012). Over the years, their operating system designs, security system designs and even the role played by information have transformed and presented security as one of the key threats that they face in developing an e-commerce presence. Awareness on the role played by information system in their security is not a recent development in their business segments rather it is one of the key areas that they have guarded jealously over the years. Besides, they have traditionally guarded their strategies against competition and kept their finances in well guarded safe houses and accounts due to awareness on insecurity (Rao, 2010). One of the major problems that IBM encountered before fu lly adopting information system in decision making was brought by its increasing consideration to promote high level focus and raise the value outlined in its vision. Even with its organisational structure of five discrete divisions that handled strategy and change in the organisation, the initial dilemma of decision making in all its operations appeared to continuously haunt the company (IBM 100, 2012). The primary objective was to focus on growth opportunities available for it. However, the steps to follow in achieving this strategy were unclear to the management and the company as a whole. To effectively assimilate a clear outline that would enhance the ability of the company to maintaining a stronger competitive advantage, information systems applications based on growth standards were established with target being set at high profitability (MBA Knowledge Base, 2012). As studies reveal, living to the same status generated vast pressure to the company and its structures. The outc ome of this pressure led to decentralization of information systems in the company. However, at the initial stages, managing the assimilated information system was still problematic to handle the new transformation demands (IBM 100, 2012). Competitive advantage It is worth noting that management of an organization’s information technology strategy for decision making and managing internal operations is essential in determining how well an organization articulates the main procedures. It was from this consideration that Information and Communication Technology managers at both IBM and Dell were able to focus on effective strategy that consisted of major concepts like global standardization which was later built on to promote growth and development. The strategy entailed change articulation in all the systems to infer the necessary re-alignments that dictate its overall ability to capture and edge out the correct niche that can give it a competitive advantage over others in the market (Dell, 2012). The ability to address complex situations was harmonized at the management level and articulated in the most viable option that facilitates higher returns. Clear implementation of information system strategies as exemplified by Dell and IBM must therefore precede all aspects of management that have higher chances of enhancing greater returns. In IBM, the use of information systems is crucial for decision making on short and long term strategic planning for the corporation so as to realize growth, seize opportunities, strategising change within the organisation as well as maintaining high profile market competition in order for the organisation to remain profitable. Besides, it is also used for communication with the Customer Relationship Management that handles all customer related queries such as general inquiries and complaints. In Dell, the communication and organization of the Supply Chain department is effectively conducted via the use of information syste ms. This aid it in the efficient distribution of Dell products and services from manufacturing points to the target market. In addition, it is also used in financial management responsible for all the monetary or financial matters of the corporation (MBA Knowledge Base, 2012). Organizational consequences of the use of information technology potential security breaches It is important to note that the challenges that businesses are faced with in operations that are a result of their internal systems and changes within their macro-environment are commonly perceived as threats. The security of a business relying on technology can be looked at from both strategic viewpoints and as component of information systems. There are multiple threats that Dell and IBM face in implementing their information systems which present a large number of factors that have to be considered in formulation. A research that sought to determine the areas that business lack in developing their strategies points to the lack of awareness on the threats that businesses face in formulating strategies as being central to a number of security breaches that are being recorded in e-systems (Rao, 2010). Various reasons have been cited as being central to the vulnerabilities that systems and even applications display. Though there have been numerous developments in computing, secure programming techniques are yet to be well developed. Most applications are developed in a manner that does not place priority on security of the resulting package. The commercialisation of software development effectively implies that software packages are developed in a rush to meet deadlines owing to the high level of competition that is being displayed in software development. Research have identified highly competitive Dell and IBM e-commerce segments as potential breeding grounds for application that have been developed for the sake of competition and place no emphasis on security of applications which plays a role in determining the level of usability that can be attained by the developments (MBA Knowledge Base, 2012). Some of the security threats that may face Viruses Viruses are computer programs that easily copy and infect a computer without the owner’s knowledge. Due to the fast growth of use of technology, viruses have become a major problem to businesses that rely on computer systems to manage information systems as they adversely affects the hosts’ computers causing massive malfunctioning in them. Some of the most important viruses that may impact on information systems operations at IBM and Dell include resident viruses like W32-Randex, Dloadr-CMJ, and Elvirus which dwell in the RAM and corrupts the files from there to the programs that are either copied, opened, or renamed in the computer. Perhaps one of the most important aspects that these companies can resort to limit insecurity is the understanding of how to address the virus threats (MBA Knowledge Base, 2012). Owi ng to the fast developing technology and globalization that threatens to consume the same world that it operate in, there is need to generate the necessary guarantee that can secure businesses operations systems. It has been predicted that viruses will continue being a major threat to e-commerce as competitors seek to gather competitive advantages in the market. Stronger technology should therefore be constantly sought to generate the correct traces for the viruses and destroy them before they affect and cause malfunction of the businesses systems (IBM 100, 2012). Trojan Horses A Trojan horse is a destructive program that masquerades to majority of the computer programs mostly as benign application. To infect the computers, Trojan Horses claims to get rid of the computer viruses but instead introduces them to the system. Trojan horses occur in seven different forms that are classified based on their breaching and damage that they affect in the system (Rao, 2010). To begin with, Remo te Access Trojan usually hides in the smaller programs and wait for activation of the PCs to affect their damages. Data Sending Trojans provide attackers with very sensitive information such as log file, passwords, Instant Messaging contacts, and Credit card information. In most of the cases, these Trojans seek particular information by installing key loggers and sending the records to the attackers (Dell, 2012). According to Rao (2010) Data Sending Trojans are some of the most dangerous threats to the on-line businesses globally. In order to affect the smooth functioning of information systems at Dell and IBM, the destructive Trojans will delete files of the attacked computers. Just like the Data Sending Trojans, Destructive Trojans causes great inconveniences and losses to the involved businesses when their respective information on their transactions and accounts are lost (MBA Knowledge Base, 2012). A vivid chance will indeed be given to the attacker by a proxy Trojan. As a resul t, there are quite a number of transactions that will be effected by this kind of attack. For instance, an entire business system may be affected by a single wave o Trojan attack. In addition, there are other forms of Trojans that may interfere with any well established security system and as a result, be able to gain access to important and discrete data in an organisation (IBM 100, 2012). In this respect, they stop or kill the programs like antivirus without the user’s knowledge. Finally Denial of Service Trojans attacks a network by flooding it with useless programs that are not authorized by the owner of the computer. Conclusions To sum up, it is clear that at a time when the business trends are increasingly becoming reliant on the global market dynamism which is driven by ever-changing consumerism patterns, effective management of information systems remains the most critical aspect that can guarantee a business’ success. IBM and Dell are some of the leading compa nies that have greatly relied on information systems to make important decision and carry out effective internal operations. Information systems as brought out in the discussion have played a key role in creating a competitive edge for the two companies. However, issues of security and threats related to use of modern technology have presented immense fears on possible attacks which may affect the smooth operations of the businesses. References Dell (2012). Data Center Systems Management. Web. IBM 100 (2012). Information Management System. Web. MBA Knowledge Base (2012). Case Study: Management Information System at Dell. Web. Rao, L. (2010). IBM Buys Information Management Software Company PSSÂ  Systems. Web. This essay on Information systems management at IBM and Dell was written and submitted by user Davin Baxter to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Behavior That Has a Different Meaning Another Culture in free essay sample

Describe a gesture or behavior that has a different meaning another culture in. Provide a complete description of the action and what it means in both cultures Gesture and behavior has a big differences In features and differences in the world. Every time we are taking a trip to another country we try to discover as much as possible information about a country where we are travel to. Every time when we are going to another country we should know that in different countries gestures are different. Many gestures are Interpreted differently than In our own country.Since I m a representative from another country, I would like to tell you about the gestures of my country, too. So, swinging your head left and right, and countries, including Russia, means no; however, In countries such as Bulgaria, India, Greece this means endorsement, yes and so on. One of the most common gestures over the world is Okay Hand Sign as we can judge as an endorsement or so thats all well and fine. We will write a custom essay sample on Behavior That Has a Different Meaning Another Culture in or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page In English-speaking countries gesture Okay Hand Sign, has a positive, endorsing the value okay. Also in Russia, this gesture has the same meaning as in English-speaking countries.But In France this gesture expresses conflicting emotions and opposite meaning. In Brazil, such gesture may judge as disrespect to the public or other person. Okay gesture is vulgar and obscene for educated people In Brazil. The gesture is interpreted in various countries In various ways. Another famous gesture is Thumbs up Hand Sign. Raising your hand in front of others and making Thumb up Hand Sigh it can be treated as All right, All is fine. Pulling your hand up and pointing your thumb behind someone, this is used in Russia and In many Europe countries.In Muslim countries, the sigh Is offensive and indecent. So, do not use the gesture in these countries. In Saudi Arabia, the rotational movement of the finger can Judge as a Scram out of here, Goodbye; however, meaning Goodbye will be expressed in aggressive style. Saying Goodbye to the people from America you must keep your hand horizontally and slowly lift it as if you were clapping someone on his shoulder or head. Russians waving their hands from one side to another; although, this gesture in other countries may have different concept. For example, when Hispanics see this gesture they think that It is an Invitation that has different meaning In Russians. Sign of the Horns has a variety of meanings. In Russian tales Sigh of the Horns depicts actual goat. In heavy metal subculture this gesture is view as metal sigh, to signify that the music they are listening to, mostly rock or metal genre. In some Western Europe and North America that sign (corona) Is offensive allusion to the fact that the person to whom It is shown Cuckold Very famous gesture all over the world is The V sigh. In Russia, as a rule means number two. For example, this way we order two beers in a bar. In America, The V facing your target, youre giving somebody a long-established insult in Great Britain and many English speaking countries such as Australia, Ireland and New Zealand. In many countries, one of them is Russia as well; tapping your forehead means What a fool Italian and French, tapping their foreheads, tell you that they do not like the idea and it seems silly. In Britain and Spain, it is a sign of admiration and contentment is in Germany anger and resentment, but the Dutchmen so portray [Our idea they liked. And remember, smile and kindness in any country leads to communication.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

How to Create Content for Google’s E-A-T Algorithm and Medic Update

How to Create Content for Google’s E-A-T Algorithm and Medic Update You already know that content marketing is a tough nut to crackeven if you’ve got the privilege of working with a team of people with a knack for words. There’s blog posts everywhere you turn in your Google Drive, research papers littering your desk, and website content planned for the next six months. But even after all that prep,  it’s still possible to sink to the bottom of Google’s search results. Just 9% of content  gets some form of organic traffic. And it’s pretty easy to fall into the 91% that doesn’tespecially when over 3 million blog posts  are being published every day. Pretty disheartening, right? It doesn’t have to be that way forever. In fact, you could earn pride of place in Google’s SERPs by focusing on one of their new algorithm features: The E-A-T update. Here’s how you can get in on the action. How to Create Content for Google’s E-A-T Algorithm Update by @elisedopson via @ Where It All Started: The â€Å"Medic† Update On Aug. 1, 2018, Google rolled out a new core algorithm update. That’s not groundbreaking newsthey release some kind of update several times a year, as explained by the internet gods themselves: As with any update, some sites may note drops or gains. There’s nothing wrong with pages that may now perform less well. Instead, it’s that changes to our systems are benefiting pages that were previously under-rewarded.... - Google SearchLiaison (@searchliaison) March 12, 2018 But this one? It was pretty spectacular. And I don’t just mean the sheer size of itthe effects were devastating for some websites. Huge sites like LiveStrong, The Kitchn and Men’s Health lost thousands of organic visitors  overnight: I think a 50%+ drop in organic traffic is significant enough to call this update a pretty big deal. But if you had your spy goggles on while sieving through that data, you might’ve noticed a trend with the sites that took a hit. Data collected by Search Engine Round Table  found 41% of all sites affected by the update were in the healthcare nichehence why you might’ve heard the algorithm named the â€Å"medic update†. That’s not to say site owners who don’t fall into the healthcare category are safe though. In fact, eCommerce, business, technology and finance took a sizeable dent of the disaster share, too: E-A-T Guidelines, Explained If I’ve scared your socks off, I apologize. But the entire point of me talking about this is to show you how you don’t have to slip to the bottom of page 50 at the mercy of the medic update. In fact, you can use one of their revised ranking factors to your advantage with the content you’re creating. Part of the medic update consisted of Google’s guidelines to â€Å"create great content†. Here’s Google’s Public Search Liason, Danny Sullivan, explaining exactly that: We tell lots of things to do. Improve site speed. Consider secure. Etc. But that's not what this update was about. It's broad. And respectfully, I think telling people there's no particular thing to "fix" is indeed helpful. It means, hopefully, they think more broadly... - Danny Sullivan (@dannysullivan) August 1, 2018 Not really helpful, right? Especially if you’re already creating great content. (Which, spoiler alert: You should be.) But an interesting part of that whitepaper was Google’s focus on E-A-T content. Those guidelines refer to how Google measures the quality of a page. It stands for: Expertise: How knowledgeable is the site owner on the subject matter? Authoritativeness: How credible is the website publishing this content? Trustworthiness: How trustworthy is the website publishing this? Google’s aim has always, and will always, be to show the best, highest-quality results for any search term you could think of. Searchers want to see the best content that satisfies our user intent. If that’s to view information, you’ve got no chance of ranking highly if you’re not factoring E-A-T guidelines into your content marketing strategy. Recommended Reading: The Most Massive SEO Copywriting Guide That Will Make Your Traffic Soar How to Create E-A-T Rich Content Ready to make a dent in the SERPs and start creating content that Google (and your audience) love? Here are the four sections you really need to focus on: 1. Optimize Author Bio and â€Å"About† Pages Let’s start by focusing on the â€Å"E† section of this new algorithm update: Expertise. You need to be showing that everyone contributing to your website is an expert on the topic at handwhether that’s B2B content marketing or dog walking. Why? Because going back to Google’s aim, they want to give searchers the highest quality information. Let’s use an example. If you’re searching for information on the best time to post on social media, which of these would you be more satisfied with? A site ran by a budget social media agency. A site ran by a social media expert, who’s also a keynote speaker and has 10,000+ Twitter followers. I’ll bet you pick option is B. That’d be Google’s preference, too, purely because they’re more trustworthy and have more expertise than option A. The easiest way to showcase your expertise is to optimize two key pages on your website: Author Bio Pages You already know that many CMS create pages, such as author bio pages, automatically. I’m not here to teach you how to suck eggs. But you might not realize you’re able to edit these automatically-generated author pages, and build on the expertise section of Google’s E-A-T guidelineswhile maximising your search visibility. Author bios are a great place to start because Google’s quality guidelines  say: â€Å"Websites or pages without any beneficial purpose, including pages that are created with no attempt to help users, or pages that potentially spread hate, cause harm, or misinform or deceive users, should receive the Lowest rating.† So, for each person with an author page on your website, ask yourself: Are they social influencers? Do they run popular blogs? Have they won awards? Have they spoken at industry conferences? Have they worked with/written for prestigious companies? If you can answer â€Å"yes† to either one, share the details in their author bio pageor ask contributing writers to craft their own professional bio  before you publish their content. Here’s a fantastic example on Search Engine Journal: Along with setting herself apart from other contributors, Julia’s bio shows she’s an expert in her industry. She runs an almost 100-person strong team, served thousands of clients, been named as a top 30 content marketer, written a book, hosted a podcast, and published a course. Pretty impressive, right? Since author bio pages that rarely offer any value, your target audience see content that’s published by someone with experience, knowledge and expertise (like Julia) when you’re optimizing them. Show them you’ve got it on offer! Recommended Reading: Your Ultimate Content Marketer's Guide to Keyword Research About Pages Take the â€Å"show your expertise† game a step further by optimizing the ‘about’ page of your website. This isn’t person-specific; it’s a full rundown of your company and lets your audience get to know the people behind the brand. You could answer questions like: What experts are on your team? Have you won (or been nominated for) awards for your work? Why should someone pick your business over a competitor? Just take a peek at this infographic from the About page on Avalaunch Media’s site  for inspiration: 102 years of digital marketing experience is pretty impressiveas is the long list of logos of sites they’ve been featured in, and the number of events their team have spoken at. Fancy putting this infographic-style About page into action for your own site? Remember to add some supporting text. Google isn’t smart enough to understand images (yet), so make sure you’re giving their search engine spiders  text they can read and rank. Recommended Reading: SEO Content Strategy: How to Make Your Traffic Soar by 594% 2. Purge (and Redirect) Poorly-Performing Content If you’re creating content on a consistent basis, you might think you’re acing this whole â€Å"content marketing† thing. Truth is: You’re only acing it if the content you’re pushing is getting resultswhether that’s direct traffic, social shares, or conversions. If your content isn’t getting any of that, it’s hindering you, not helping you. The E-A-T algorithm means site owners need to create a site-wide content plan with high-performing content. How can you an expert in your industry if 90% of your content doesn’t perform well? Enter: Content pruning. A fancy word for removing your old content, and redirecting usersand Google spidersto something better. Jimmy Daly, Content Manager at Animalz, told me how QuickBooks pruned their poorly-performing content  and grew search traffic by 44% year-on-year: â€Å"QuickBooks SEO lead Will Waggoner merged pageview data with conversion data to help him decide which pages to prune. He made sure to ignore new content that hadn't been around long enough to rank or assist in conversions. He generated a list of pages that received less than 100 pageviews in the last six months and had not assisted in any conversions. Then, he made a plan for each URL. Some would be redirected to an article on a similar topic and some would be redirected to the blog home page. Lastly, Will confirmed that the sitemap would update automatically. Once confirmed, he put the redirects in place. Traffic was up 20% in a few weeks. By the time peak season rolled around, QuickBooks' content was getting 44% more traffic than the previous year. Will points out that removing content doesn't guarantee increased traffic. He recommends improving navigation to make content more accessible and refreshing old content first. Each piece of content represents a significant investment of time and money- delete it only when you've exhausted other options.† Fancy following Will’s strategy? Here’s a quick summary of what you need to do to meet Google’s E-A-T algorithm: Identify poorly-performing pages with 100 page views in the past six months or pages that don’t generate conversions. (Use Google Analytics’ conversion paths  for this.) Improve those pages, or delete them. If redirected, redirect the old URL to the next, most-relevant page. For example: If you’ve deleted a page on content marketing tips, redirect it to a related blog post or your services page. Just like QuickBooks, you’ll see the impact in no timetrust me. 3. Take Control Over User-Generated Content (UGC) Opening your site to guest authors is a scalable way to increase your content output. But if you’re not keeping a close eye on the content being published, you’ve got no chance of catering to those E-A-T guidelines we’re working so hard to meet. It ties back into the point I made about deleting poorly performing content: Poor content will reduce your entire site’s credibilitywhether it was published by your marketing team, or not. Think about it: If you’re opening your site to contributors, you might get a ton of new content being published to your site every day. That’s great right? Not necessarily. Not all content is good content. Contributors might be publishing: Spun content Duplicate content Low-quality content Content that’s optimized for another keyword you’re already targeting elsewhere It’s better to have one strong piece of content, rather than five low-quality ones. That way, both Google and your audience are wowed by one pieceand you’re in with the chance of ranking higher naturally.   But opening your site to contributors, and allowing them to publish their own content, could make that harder. Caveat that by: Not giving contributors permission to publish without being reviewed by you, first. Creating a set of writing guidelines that all contributors must  stick to. does the latter. Just take a look at the â€Å"write for us† page: Notice how only the best writers squeeze through their process and end up having their writing published? (Including me 😇) You want to follow the same ethos and never sacrifice quality for quantity. Google wants to push sites with expertise, knowledge and trust to the top of the ranks. Vet your contributors and if they don’t meet the same E-A-T guidelines, don’t publish their stuff. It’s really that simple! 4. Build Strong Editorial Backlinks Ah, the one word that makes SEOs rejoice: Backlinks. Us content marketers already know these little hyperlinks play a huge role in any SEO strategy, but your content needs to act as a link-building machine if you want to benefit from this algorithm update. Why? Because links prove credibilitythat caters to the T part of the E-A-T algorithm: Trustworthiness. Site owners who’re dishing out backlinks want to point their audience in the way of incredible content. If they point to low-quality sites, it’s their reputation at stakeand their own rankings that will drop. That’s not gonna do them any favors. But site owners who run reputable, powerful websites want to send their audience in the way of great content. Not 500 words of spun content or content stuffed with your keyword in every paragraphhence why you need to create strong content, and build even stronger backlinks to get in Google’s good books. Follow Moz’s 10x framework, or Backlinko’s skyscraper technique, to build that content. Go above and beyond with your knowledge, educating your customers much better that anyone else can. Then once you’ve got a kick-ass piece of content that’s 10x better than your competition, do some outreach to spread the word. You could: Send the URL to other blogs you’ve linked-to (external linking is good for SEO) Ask influencers to take part and get them to share with their followers Build your own promotion network and ask those people to share your content with their network. (Slack is great for this!) Each of those tactics raises the number of eyeballs on your content. More eyeballs = more backlink opportunities. But if you fancy taking this a step further, go out of your way to ask  for backlinks. Several techniques exist for this, including: Broken link building: Identify a 404 error on your target website, and create a resource to replace it with. Send your URL as a replacement. Round-up/resource link building: Search popular round-up/resource pages in your industry, and reach out to the editor asking to get involved. Guest posting: Write another piece of supporting content and place it on a popular website, linking back to your original piece. Infographic link building: Create an infographic to support your content, and attempt to get it published on industry sites with a link to your content as credit. When you’re working through this section, remember that not every backlink is a good backlink. Good backlinks are contextual, and from authoritative sites with good SEO metrics. It’s a waste of time targeting sites with low Domain Authority, for example, since those won’t pass much ranking power through to your site. SEO powerhouses like HuffPost and Forbes, on the other hand, will! Ready to Ace Google’s E-A-T Algorithm? If you’re not focusing on creating content that’s written by experts, authoritative and from a trustworthy site, you’ll have a hard time on your journey to page one. But it’s easy to boost your organic search traffic when you’re creating what Google, and your target audience, are cravingjust like Marie Haynes did: YEAH! Got this incredible email today from a client for whom we did a site review and made a bunch of recommendations. Their main terms were on page 2 and 3. And now they're #2 for their most important keyword. Improved E-A-T, internal linking and much more. - Marie Haynes (@Marie_Haynes) July 27, 2018 Quality content + strong backlinks = better SEO rankings. And whether you’re just about to ramp-up content production or have a ton of existing content to update, the new E-A-T guidelines are going to get you there.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Research Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Research - Essay Example Over time, the organization’s idea has evolved from just the acquisition of skills to developing of cognitive processes accompanying the acquisition of the required skills. It is has been proposed that workplace learning should involve a process of reasoned learning that is projected towards the prerequisite outcomes for both the individual employees and the organization (Bratton 2008, 16). These outcomes should steer a sustained development for both these parties, within the present and the foreseeable future context of organizational goals and the career development of the individual employees. The performance capacity of the organization has been recognized to depend almost entirely on the learning capability of the workforce. Increased extent of the globalization of the workforce is characterized by innovative approaches to learning so that the barriers often imposed from outside the business world can be overcome (Ashton and Johnny 2002, 16). The emphasis placed on individual employees’ improvement linking it to an organization’s strategic direction has helped in the understanding of workplace learning. This is through administering the relationships existing between organizational and the individuals’ capabilities. The intention for this is to make learning to be integrated into the everyday work practices of the employees, and for the work to become a viable source for learning new practices and methods. The diversity which exists in the current work environment includes the organizational cultures, work practices, organizational policies and the various human resource systems. The diversity has been known to influence workplace learning for individuals, groups and the organization at large (Ashton and Johnny 2002, 24). The most important reason for the provision of learning and development in an organization is to enable the employees to Research Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 1 Research - Essay Example In this respect, it is quite essential to reassess all the data collection sources, which the researcher wants to incorporate in his research work. There are several different types of data collection sources which are directed to reveal different type of information related with the research context. I have used primary and secondary data collection mythologies in the research. For using such methods, it is quite crucial for me to reveal merits and demerits of different types of data sources and align them with his objectives of the research so that the work related to the current research can be performed and conducted in the most efficient and effective manner. The presented paper is aimed to reveal the importance and effectiveness of different research methods taken into account for the purpose of undertaking a competent research work on the topic, i.e. ‘the risk management strategy of HSBC and Barclays’. This research topic is selected for the research work as it is a comprehensive research topic, which contains some crucial and effective insights into risk management theories and practices undertaken by different business organizations. However, the span of this research topic is so comprehensive that different types of data collection sources seem to be in need. ... These two methods are relevant Internet sources and review of 'hard copy' books and journals. In addition to this, with the help of measure of reviewing 'hard copy' books and journals, an intensive library research has been conducted, in which different books and journal articles available in the library in hard copy have been reviewed. These both methods have been used for the purpose of extracting some secondary type of information. A secondary type of information can be said to be the information which has already been gathered and collected and used by previous scholars in their research work. A brief discussion regarding these two different data collection methods and their usability and applicability are presented as below: Critical Analysis of Secondary Sources for Data Collection The first and foremost method undertaken by me for collecting data regarding operational policies of both banks is Internet. In this method, the website of both banks, their annual reports and other online available sources have been taken into account for the purpose of collecting information regarding differences and similarities between risk management strategies of both banks. This method used in the research work has been proved quite helpful for retrieving the desired information. Internet is a vast source of information through which different types of information can be retrieved without investing significant amount of time and efforts. This research work based on the usage of Internet sources was quite efficient as the research problem can be resolved by retrieving some of internal information related with bank’s policies and operations. The internet search has been done for this purpose as this is the place where interviews